My Life So Far As An Introvert

Nama diberi Lily Rose dan baru memasuki umur 40an. Mempunyai hanya seorang anak special needs dan seorang suami yang lebih muda beberapa tahun.

Mempunyai kerjaya yang baik walaupun pernah bergaji hampir lima angka 5 tahun dahulu, sekarang lebih selesa menyandang jawatan bukan dalam level pengurusan.

Rasa lebih aman menjadi individual contributor di mana selesai menyiapkan tugasan rasa kepuasan yang amat tinggi.

As you go up the career ladder in the corporate world, the more responsibility you’ll have and the more people management you are expected to do.

Di dalam umur 20 dan 30 an, saya sangat driven untuk belajar banyak benda di dalam alam pekerjaan. I was motivated to climb the corporate ladder.

Alhamdullilah, I did manage to become a Senior Manager. Tapi, saya sedar limitation diri sendiri dan selepas lebih 7 tahun bekerja, saya resigned dan lebih selesa bekerja di beberapa syarikat lain termasuklah syarikat MNC.

In retrospect, I have been living my life as an ‘introvert’ who have been pushing my limit, overcame my social anxiety and worked outside my comfort zones. Even-though, I am happier at where I am now, I was proud of who I was.

All those years have given me the opportunities to gain valueable working and life experience. Now, I feel happy and contented when I share my knowledge and experience with younger colleagues as they appreciated it very much.

Sometimes my colleagues do wonder why I enjoy eating my meals alone and some made judgement that just me being an ‘introvert’. I love to have time to myself and come back all charged up to face the world.

At work, I enjoyed both working alone as well as working in a team because I realised that majority of the workplace are designed for more extroverted community.

So, I adapted to the environment but once at home I’ll have quite times either cooking, cleaning or watching cooking or house cleaning ASMR videos. Many people also wonder how an ‘introvert’ like me handle relationships.

Saya dikurniakan oleh Allah suami yang more extroverted untuk sama sama melayari kehidupan. Dia merupakan leader di dalam keluarga, komuniti dan syarikat dia bekerja.

Tidak dinafikan suami juga ada kekurangan dari segi pengurusan emosi but he has progressed so much through these years. Dia merupakan seorang yang bijak dalam berkomunikasi dan saya banyak belajar dengannya.

Alhamdullilah, sejak belajar berkomunikasi dengan baik, relationships saya dengan orang sekeliling bertambah baik.

I was raised in a household that did not communicate well and I have had many episodes with my family who uses manipulation and play victim instead of communicating their needs and feelings.

Just imagine years of exposure to such environment and how it has affected me emotionally and mentally. But I was determined to escape my then reality and has founded a new reality that was more bright, hopeful and positive.

I forgive them because they have done their best and I realised that as human their behaviours were shaped by their upbringing.

Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful to Allah and thankful to my parents who have provided me with everything I need to be where I’m.

Saya menunjukan tanda terima kasih dari segi pemberian kewangan sejak bekerja sehingga sekarang.

Pengalaman saya membesarkan anak special needs juga memberikan saya personal growth yang tinggi dari segi kesabaran dan kemahuan yang tinggi untuk belajar ilmu supaya dapat memberikan experience dan upbringing yang terbaik buat anak saya.

Akhir kata, to other ‘introverts’ out there, we do have our unique traits and we may somehow be misunderstood.

I implore you to find your motivation and strength to be the best version of you, learn to communicate well, and you’ll survive this temporary world!

– Lily Rose (Bukan nama sebenar)

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