Dapatan Kajian Cari Jodoh Online

Salam semua. Terima kasih admin kalau confession ni mendapat kelulusan untuk pos. Saya mula menaip ni bila saya dah cuba semua possible online apps and platform untuk cari ni.

Saya nak rant and bagi panduan from pov of a woman to guys on internet. Maybe tak diperlukan ramai tapi pada siapa yang serious mencari this thing will helps much and escalate quickly first impression of you on online.

Saya Mariam. In mid 20 nak ke 30an. Bekerja swasta lepasan degree. Growing up never been in a relationship, dah habis belajar sibuk belajar, tak sempat keluar bersosial.

Umur makin banyak circle makin kecik and hari ke hari tak berjumpa orang. Pergi dan balik kerja dalam LRT, work nature mengadap pc dan tak perlu engage dengan orang. So potential saya jumpa orang di alam nyata seems challenging.

So saya guna platform online. Saya dah guna Bubble, HinggaSyurga, Telegram Group BujangSeMalaysia,

Tapi setakat ni saya rasa serba salah kalau tak point out this thing untuk makluman pengguna online apps yang lelaki sebab maybe your personality great but you tak using full potential of you in online platform.

Ini rant from my point of view, wanita yang cuba mencari potential man online.

*Gambar/Profile Photo*

This is very crucial part. You need to use a picture that works great with you. Avoid using too much filter yang tak nampak professional and tak matang. If you have travel photo with decent pose, use it kalau nak highlight you suka travel.

Kalau you suka outdoor activities, cycling photo, hiking photo use it. Tapi team gym selfie photo is a meeh. Untuk saya la. Orang lain saya tak tau. Outdoor and open air photo lagi nampak photo tu lively.

*Self introduction*

Benda ni pun dah helps much in me decide whom should I proceed reply or ignore. Pertama, manners maketh a man. Guna bahasa yang baik, break the ice dengan ayat yang baik dan menyenangkan.

Jangan melampaui batas dengan buat gurauan gurauan tak perlu. Introduce yourself -Ncramp all info cause this will save time both parties, kerja umur asal – point out the info cause mind yourself, you are getting know people online who have not a single clue about yourself.

Appeal yourself macam mana you nak apply kerja because this is basically you apply untuk jadi teman sehidup semati dia ( kalau ada jodoh), point out your aim, nak berkawan, nak serious relationship or apa.

Goal you in relationships tu apa. Tu plus point sebab tunjuk side of you know what you want and have a clear vision in your life.

Basically women needs assurance. Kalau in a single introduction you dah keluar kan semua value tu potential untuk kena ghost, block atau remove tu inshallah takde.


If you have mutual feeling and interest, kindly reciprocate. Dalam erti kata lain gives the same energy. Contoh la you minat dia tetiba kena block sedih tak, sedih kann.

Haaa so untuk bagi more chance more time berkenalan, observe how the message looks like. Kalau dia cerita dua ayat reply dengan 2 ayat atau lebih. Baru la perempuan rasa okay we are in the same boat. Takde la overthinking dia sorang je beriya.

Last but not least to all women risking their live knowing people online. Stay safe. Dont underestimate your value. Jangan rendah kan diri sendiri such as saya tak sempurna semua yang nak saya terima je. Noo!!

Kalau rasa you reti masak, pandai jaga anak buah, ada kereta, ada rumah. Just make yourself exclusive sebab kita nak a place to berteduh bukan kita kena teduhkan dia.

Zaman millennia ni normalize kan buang biawak hdup dalam kehidupan dan allow yourself to get princess treatment cause you deserve it.

Lagi satu yang buat ramai wanita tak kahwin is bar set by their father as a role model, great man for their mom pun satu hal juga. My case is my dad is a yes man for my mom. And a yes man for all her daughter.

So bila ada orang mistreat kita, kita rasa macam tak fair sebab never being treated that way in our entire life. So tunggu la sampai version 2 of your father yang bagi provider protector figure tu ada.

Akhir sekali ajal maut jodoh semua Allah dah aturkan. Selain berusaha, berdoa dan minta doa dari orang. InshaaAllah dipermudahkan.

Yang Benar,

– Mariam (Bukan nama sebenar)

Hantar confession anda di sini -> https://iiumc.com/submit

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