Juara Kategori Haram Berkahwin

Salam semua, I’m a man in my mid-20s. Lately banyak gila cases about divorce, putus tunang, breakups and so on. And I just read a confession which story is shockingly similar to mine, cuma ada beza sikit tentang future kerjaya confessor (he’ll becoming a teacher, while me, a future lecturer).

Just wanna give my 2 cents to all peeps out there, b4 u decide to pursue in marriage, make sure to do a checklist about yourself, whether u qualified or not.

Hukum kahwin tu asalnya sunat, but it is interchangeable depends on the situation, be it wajib, harus, makruh or haram. Identify in which category you are in so that no penganiayaan take place after marriage.

Fyi, I’m the eldest son in my family, but I think that I’ve no qualities of a good husband and dad. I’m not a strong person, even my lil bro can defeat me in arm wrestling repeatedly.

I’m scared of many insects and small animals, so how can I protect my wife when she’s in danger since I’m a wimpy ass coward? Seems beyond normal, kan? But that’s the reality. Apart from that, I also loathes bearing too much responsibilities and commitments.

For me, it’s too heavy to be a husband and a father. Tanggungjawab single pun rasa dah cukup banyak dah, don’t want to add more “beban” lagi. I pun tk mintak dilahirkan kat dunia ni dengan penuh tanggungjawab.

Furthermore, I’m suffering from eczema in which I inherited from my dad. Not to blame my dad but he really took a good care of my disease. I’m just confident that I couldn’t do the same as my dad.

Even if my eczema subsides someday, it’s still in my genes and will affect my children if I choose to have kids. I have many siblings, and there’s another sibling who suffers the same, but I’m the one who suffers ezcema the worst.

If I choose to get married and have kids, it will make me seem like nothing more than a selfish man, nak anak sebab rezeki semata but actually letting them facing trials and tribulations in this Dunya.

Saving the worst for the last, I also have some red flags, which is the main reason why I’m in the category haram berkahwin. I tak nak menyakiti dan disakiti oleh my spouse. I’m lack of provider mindset and also tak nak asyik termakan hati je dengan my spouse.

Imagine penat balik kerja then ada je benda remeh nk cari gaduh, serabut je pale otak akuu. Aku salah sikit nk marah, kitonyo dh la mudah merajuk. My dad actually a bit “baran”, I kadang2 terikut2 n tak nak affect my spouse by this shit.

I always pray to Allah supaya haramkan diri I from dijodohkan to any woman in this world, be it yang masih hidup or the dead ones, cuz this world is full of deception here and there.

I just want to implement 2 lagi amalan yang takkan putus lepas mati; a beneficial knowledge (I’m a future teacher) and charity/alms (pray for me to be a generous man).

Untuk jodoh, I pray untuk kahwin kat syurga dengan bidadari syurga je. Even though humans will be more handsome and beautiful than maidens in Paradise, I tetap prefer bidadari syurga jugak sebab diorang never contaminated with sins.

Anggap je la yang doa supaya mana2 perempuan diharamkan kahwin dengan I tu as a way to save them from being persecuted (teraniaya) in marriage, and also my sacrifice for my bidadari syurga cuz she’s willingly to wait me to enter Jannah.

Kalau ada jugak perempuan kat dunia ni cuba2 nak mengurat or nak jadikan saya suami dia (harap2 tak la), saya akan reject dulu cara elok but if dia paksa jugak, saya akan ugut untuk tunjuk red flag saya supaya dia menjauhi saya selamanya.

In a nutshell, tak kira men or women, tanya diri dulu dlm kategori mana. sebab klu semua orang mampu kahwin, takkan wujud hukum2 kahwin ikut situasi like this.

Thanks for reading!

– His Weak Servant (Bukan nama sebenar)

Hantar confession anda di sini -> https://iiumc.com/submit


  1. May Allah protects you at all times from whatever negativity that hurts you to this extend.
    Eczema part I feel ya tapi itu juga takdi tuhan.
    We as a fellow muslims never ever stop improving ourselves better, tu jgk jihad.
    Fi hifzillah.

  2. Alhamdulillah baguslah awak ada kesedaran pasal diri awak. Betul sangat tu, ada orang memang x layak untuk dapat title suami/ ayah. Tapi kan, normal lah umur mcm awak tak rasa nak kawen lagi. Perempuan pun sama. Lebih2 lagi ekonomi skrg kan. Tgokla nanti bila dah masuk 30s macam mana.

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