Karma to Teachers

Hello to everyone. If you are reading this now, it means the confession got accepted and I’m thankful for that.

Now, this is just my opnion and my confession. You are free to bash me, but I will never change my opnion. Ofc, no curse word please. I may be a little wrong, but again, this is just an opnion.

Recently, there is this confession about teacher, it’s ‘Depresi Atau Dendam’ if I recall correctly.

Now, when I read the confession, I was super angry. How could them? The confessor suffered so much, I want nothing more than to hug the confessor and encourage him/her to take a rest to find some peace or take some alternatives like changing job or collecting enough money so the confessor can take a little break while searching for other jobs.

But… Then I remembered my childhood. A childhood full of dark past. And I remembered how teachers used to be the kings and queens to our society. Their job is a ticket to heaven, no doubt. But theres are few of them who SHOULD NOT be a teacher.


This is karma. Or at least I think so. Since the world is a wheel that never stops turning, we will never know what consequences of our actions can do. Decades ago, everything the teachers did were never wrong. It’s the law. I’m sure 65% of people in our country had experienced some bad memories because of the teachers.

Take me as an example, teachers had humilliated me, encouraged other students to bully me, encouraged students to treat me like an object, hitting me a lot more times and inflict more pain than necessary (i was never the bad student, the worst thing I ever do was forgetting to do the homework).

Flirting with me when I’m still underage, spitting nonsense facts about me when they never talk to me, just giving me a glance when they saw me getting bullied without bother to stop the bullies, making sexual remarks to me and so on.

Now, you may say ‘It must be you! You are problematic!’ NO. I was the quiet student who talk three words a day, the student who holds book whenever I go, and the student who never spit out curse word.

How many of you also changed because of the selfish teachers? I heard there are also a lot of cases where teachers sexually assaulting the students.. But no legal action taken against them because they are TEACHERS.

Before, the teachers are kings and queens. But now, they are dethroned and the kids are new rulers of the school.

Of course, kids nowadays are indeed troublesome. But this is may be a form of karma. It’s unfair, but so is the world.

I also have a lot of good memories with teachers whom I loves and will cerish forever. But compared to that, bad memories are far more bigger than the good one. Talented teachers are declining, very few teachers can teach without inflicting pain. To me, teachers are the one who guides you and show you the joy of having lot of knowledges.

At least, I think now there will be more talented teachers who genuinely interested in teaching than the old times where people become a teacher just because the power it gives them.

I dont think it’s impossible. It’s hard, but not impossible. But the talented teachers I often meet are always chinese teachers. They know how to spike your interest so you feel like wanting to learn. They are your friend outside the class and your teacher inside the classroom.

Thank you.

– Unknown (Bukan nama sebenar)

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