Life Sure Is Strange

Pertama sekali, terima kasih kerana siarkan cerita ini. Cerita ini saya tulis tidak punyai sebab yang lain melainkan ingin berkongsi pengalaman (dan seterusnya membawa sedikit sebanyak pengajaran) dan mengucapkan rasa terima kasih kepada semua pensyarah yang pernah mengajar saya, dulu, kini dan kelak.

Permulaan hidup saya di IIUM adalah biasa. Saya adalah seorang pelajar yang memilih jurusan Kejuruteraan di IIUM, Kulliyyah of Engineering (KoE). Segalanya bermula dengan normal ketika di CFS, dan menjadi semakin mencabar di kampus utama. Ya. Disini cabarannya bermula dan ianya bermula dengan kegagalan subjek yang pertama, Static. Tapi kawan-kawan, senior, semua kata, “Biasalah tu gagal dalam Engineering. Next time cuba lagi.”

I was so sad, but then I realized I need to try harder and repeat the subject again. But then, it happened again. I failed Static for the second time and also Math 1. Friend keeps on encouraging, and my determination is yet to fade away. After all, what’s the worst that could happen right?

I was wrong. After that, I failed again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Pada ketika ini, saya dah hampir menyerah kalah. Saya sedih. Saya penat. Saya tak rasa berbaloi. Apa tidaknya. Permohonan untuk saya tukar ke Kuliyyah lain ditolak. Percubaan untuk saya tukar ke Kuliyyah lain secara manual dan bantuan pelbagai surat rayuan gagal. Sambil saya cuba untuk tukar Kuliyyah lain, I kept on failing and failing for 11 times, with 7 different subjects. I failed Math 1 once, Math 3 once, Electronics once, Electronic Circuits twice, Static twice, Micro-P once, Signals and System 3 times. My pointer dropped from 2.8 to 2.7 and dropped and dropped and dropped and dropped, till it became 2.02, where I was warned, if I fall any lower, dismissal awaits.

I was about to give up. I was about to let it go. But then, one of my lecturer came to me, and said she’s willing to try and help me to change Kuliyyah. I said what’s the point, other lecturers has done that, and nothing ever changes. I am still as pathetic as ever. I am still stuck in Engineering and failing my subjects left and right, despite being tutored closely and personally by many lecturers. I am just that pathetic. She said, it’s okay, this time it will be different, because she will help me with the aid of other lecturer from Kuliyyah of ICT, KICT.

Ya Allah, apakah ini rahmat-Mu? Apakah ini pemberian daripada-Mu? Atau adakah ini semuanya mimpi?

“Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?”.

Syukur. Gembira. Semangat. Positif. I was different then. My smile never wane or fade from my face. Yes. I am happy. And yes. I am grateful. That semester felt like the longest semester, I studied real hard to survive this particular semester. Despite having low marks, my enthusiasm never fade away, even when I am about to face the final battlefield. My will is here.

Always here. Always will.

Until that happened.


That’s the only thing I managed to say when I found out that semester I failed all 3 core subjects (plus 1 general studies subject) and was dismissed. Just shortly after that, an offer letter came to welcome me into KICT. But it’s useless now isn’t it? Since the offer letter explicitly said it is only valid if my status is still active, and not dismissed.

Life Sure is Strange.

One moment it’ll give you the best of everything, and then crush them at another. How did this happened? How? Why? It happened in the study week. I went back to my hometown for a few days. During my stay there, when I was helping my father doing his work at his wood processing workshop, I met an accident. I couldn’t come to the exams. I did all the procedure in accordance to lecturer’s advice which is to bring my hospital statement to IIUM Clinic, get a statement from one of the doctor, fill up the form and get the doctor to sign, and send it to KoE to ensure I can take the exams next semester

I did all that. And suddenly all my subjects were credited as failed, except for one, English for Academic Writing. Pergi Department, tanya kenapa status failed, and dismissed, padahal saya dah hantar form dan dapat kebenaran daripada lecturer dan doctor daripada IIUM Clinic. Staff kata dorang tak dapat pun surat. Then I said, “Eh saya dah bagi. Kalau tak, takkan EAW saya boleh dapat kebenaran?”. Dorang pun pelik and terus cari. Cari punya cari, tak jumpa juga.

Department kata, “Macam ni lah, awak pergi jumpa doctor dekat Klinik, minta another copy. Kalau tak, kita takde bukti ni.”. Saya akur. Saya pun pergi ke Klinik IIUM. Beratur, ikut giliran, jumpa doktor. Terangkan hal ni pada doktor, dan berharap akan selesai isu ini. Tapi lain jadinya. Doktor kata dia tak boleh isu copy yang dia telah bagi.

“Maaf, saya memang tak boleh bagi copy lagi satu. Saya dah kata, saya dah pesan hari tu, every form tu akan hanya ada 2 copy, 1 untuk kegunaan Departmen dekat Kuliyyaht, dan 1 untuk kegunaan Klinik. No extra can be given, since student can forge the document. Kalau nak juga, suruh Department datang jumpa saya sendiri.”

Huh? What? How do I do that? Well, I guess I should just asked, right? They’ll listen and believe me, right? Haha. No. They said no. No form, no exams. No exams, no change of Kulliyyah. The Department of KoE didn’t believe in me. The Clinic of IIUM turned me away. And all that, for nothing.

This is it, I guess.

I cried. What went wrong? I packed my things. I am ready to leave. Just one last thing. I need to meet and say thank you and sorry to the lecturers that helped me and taught me. At the very least, mereka patut tahu mana pergi hasil usaha mereka.

“Madam. Saya minta maaf sangat sangat. Walaupun madam dah tolong saya macam-macam, dengan bantuan daripada ICT semua bagai, saya still gagal madam. Saya betul2 minta maaf.” and then I told her the whole story.

And Life Sure is Strange.

“Takpe. Biar saya uruskan hal ni.”.

Huh? Uruskan? Macam mana? Ada ke cara lain? Terkejut, tapi sedikit lega. Can I go on? I can? How?

“Hello, ni A** L*** ni. Ni haa, saya nak tanya, kenapa surat untuk retake exam student saya tiba-tiba hilang? Hmm? Tak tahu? Eh mana boleh macam tu. Macam ni lah, saya tak nak bawa isu ni sampai ke Head of Department, so please settlekan masalah ni? Kesian student saya kena macam ni.”

Huh? Will that work? Surely it’s not as simple as that, right?

The next Monday, the second week of semester 1, 2016/2017 all my failed subject has been revoked and changed to AP (Absence with Permission), and my status was changed to Active again. And the best part of them all? I was accepted into KICT without needing to take any exams. How miraculous is that?

Thank you Allah. Thank you madam. Thank you to all my lecturers. This debt is the debt I will never able to fully repay, for you have literally save my student’s life.

Thank you. Thank you.

And Life Sure is Strange.

P/S : For those who knew about me, or know my name (kalau tahu la since I am still in KICT), please don’t put it in the comment or anywhere, since I still feel shy sharing about this pathetic story of mine.


– O-Reo

Hantar confession anda di sini ->

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