Men Are Weird

Hello, whether this confession get accepted or not I will be very grateful either way. Although the confession should be in Bahasa Melayu, I think most of us can relate to this issue no matter what race you are.

So I’ll be using english and a bit of malay language in this confession, I’ll apologize for any grammar mistakes that might occur while typing this. Below, I will first list the cases of men trying to control the women.

Top Weirdest Cases

Involving both men and women, and usually women are the victim. In this confession, I will focus more on how men are forcing the women to cover themselves.

1. A muslim malay gymnastics dancer was told to cover herself because she was deemed ‘too sexy’ by the men.


Muslim gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi criticised for ‘revealing’ leotard worn in double-gold win – but her supporters are out in force.

Jun 18, 2015 (Google news)

2. A lady was told by a male politician that her aurat can be seen through her hijab/clothes. Here, it was such a hot thing back then because everyone disagree with him so I dont think I need to provide evidence because you guys probably know about it anyway.

3. A male proposed that the law of protecting men (sexual predators) should be applied to protect the men from the act of women ‘wearing sexual clothes and seducing them’ and thus, making them commit the act of rape towards the victim. This case is quite new, so again, I don’t think I need to provide an evidence.

Theres actually a lot more cases I want to put here, but unfortunely I unable to search the news about those cases and it instead only remains in my memory.

Here, you can see how men tried to control us women in our lives because they are ‘the victims of having to restrain themselves’ and ‘kutip dosa free’. In short, women had to beware of what we wear, no matter how sensitive our skin are to heat, no matter how hot the weather is, we MUST be mindful of what we wear to avoid ‘triggering’ the males.

Sure, some people said it is our religion, and its a sin to not to cover ourselves properly. But why do the males are barking louder than the women? They are not the one who had to endure the sweat and heat while wearing the hijab, and quite frankly I see men wear short shorts way too much without caring about their ‘aurat’.

The newest case yet, female traditional dancers im Terengganu are banned from performing in the presence of male audience. Again, it’s always women that had to be blamed and take the responsibility. Why don’t they just ban males from watching female performers anyway? Should the female performers lost their job, or should the male audience took responsibility instead? To me, it’s the latter of course!

I think, the act of not covering ourselves should not be shamed. Sure, it’s a sin. Sure, go ahead and politely told the women to cover themselves- but never, ever, force them to cover themselves for your own benefits!

I have a lot of friends that decided to abondon their hijab- and they all are humble and polite women. They are not seeking for attention, so they should not be shamed- and certainly not by men!

I don’t know why, but the men are very quick to act when it’s involve their genitals. I’m not surprised if in 20 to 30 years in the future, the act of not wearing hijab will be seen as a crime and we can be jailed because of it!

In my opnion, men have too much time and power to involve themselves about women things. We are taught to bow to the men, without even knowing why. Hence why I think there should be a law where it’s only women or uztaz/uztazah are allowed to talk about women’s aurat. Because look at what happened in our country now- too much time invested in unnecessary things by men!

To men, stop busying yourself about us! Don’t you know that the percentage of women getting higher educations are higher than men nowadays? People always said women have 9 ‘nafsu’ and 1 brain. But the way I see it now, it might be the exact opposite!

To parents, please teach your sons to stop busying themselves about the female matters. It’s time for them to stop letting out bunch of weird news and laws, I’m so tired of hearing bunch of nonsense every single year!

– Just Upset (Bukan nama sebenar)

Hantar confession anda di sini ->

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