Assalamualaikum kepada para pembaca, (saya tak tahu siapa yang akan baca apa yang saya ingin tulis ni).
Saya tertarik untuk berkongsi sedikit pandangan saya setelah saya terbaca satu kata-kata seorang ukhti. Yang mana baik untuk diikut haruslah diikut dan yang mana yang kurang baik untuk diikut janganlah diikut, ya?
Sebagai seorang remaja yang masih berada dalam tempoh pengajian, masih banyak perlu saya belajar dan menilai dari pelbagai aspek. Atau mungkin kerana saya lebih cenderung kepada individu yang introvert dan observing.
Saya pasti kebanyakan dari kita lebih gemar untuk gunakan perincian digital atau lebih dekatnya social media. Hari hari kita akan membaca lebih dari tiga isu hangat yang mendorong kita untuk mengupas isu tersebut mengikut pandangan masing-masing.
Tak dinafikan setiap dari kita berhak menyuarakan pandangan. You’re allowed to express your thoughts. But in a mannered way.
Jika dengan ahli keluarga dan sahabat kita boleh bertoleransi untuk menyuarakan pendapat dengan lebih sopan, mengapa bukan dengan orang lain?
Saya akan beri dua situasi. Realiti dan dunia maya.
Situasi pertama, anda sedang menikmati hidangan tengahari di kedai makan berhampiran tempat tinggal / tempat kerja anda.
Kemudian, datang seorang peminta sedekah. Takkira dari tahfiz, kanak-kanak atau individu dewasa. Apa tindakan pertama anda jika ada orang sebegini menghampiri anda untuk tujuan meminta wang sedekah?
Will you be septical by hushing them away? Or will you said “sorry miss, I don’t have enough money to give you today. I’m sorry” which one would be your first action?
Situasi kedua, a woman post her selfie that she’s having a hard time with her emotional and mental state, she cut her wrist.
What is your first action? Try to calm her with positive words, encourage them that they will get better ? Or will you said “just die, no one care about you?”
Believe me or not, in times where we’re unable to consider the first action you might take in these situation might means a lot to someone’s life.
I don’t think I shall elaborate the case any further but just a little bit reminder to everyone of us. We’ll be both person in those two situation. But if you choose the love, you’ll not be septical and would be able to make someone’s day better.
If you are not satisfied of the approaches or you’re not satisfied of what people choose to be, talk in a mannered way. Okay?
If you’re a Muslim, I understand we should “menjauhi kemungkaran” anything that is beyond our religion’s practices.
We would comment down on any improper post on social media. But what are those in the comment sections? Being judgemental without trying to consider way more polite to give advices. It won’t help them for sure.
We must have making mistakes in our life, try to put yourself in the situation where you want anyone to understand you too and helping you out.
Be kind and stop being judgemental. You can judge but always choose to add a bit affection that shows you’ll help them to change themselves if they’re going to change themselves too okay ?
I’m sorry if it may offend you my brother and sisters. But sad to tell, it’s happening. Everyday. And many of those souls hurt a lot by our mean words. We’re being septical and degrading them. Choose love okay?
May Allah gave us the peace in our ummah and we’ll be better to each other and this world.
– Eya (Bukan nama sebenar)
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