Scholarship vs Self Sponsored

Bukan nama sebenar tetapi adalah seorang brother.

Salam everyone. Rasa macam nak tulis suatu perkara mengenai – Biasiswa v BiaFaMa (duit daripada ibubapa).

Izinkan diri ini menulis dalam bahasa rojak dan segala kekhilafan amatlah dikesali.

There is no doubt that financing tertiary education has become our parents’ main concern lebih2 lagi in this era where everyone wants to study in uni (be public or private institution). Those who come from well to do family aren’t really bother about this stuff. I mean, come on. I’ve a friend whose parents are working in big company and hold senior managerial positions and guess what? Every month his parents give him RM6k as pocket money! But he’s not that bragging la. Surprisingly he’s my good friend and we always hangout together. And…dia belanja la kitaorang makan/minum haha!

Unlike him, i’m a Government-sponsored student (JPA to be precise). Every sem they will give us allowance to pay our accommodation and living expenses. Cukup? It’s a subjective question. If you know well how to manage your money, InsyaAllah cukup tapi if you’re a type of person who spends a lot LIKE ME, duit tu memang tak cukup. It’s not that i spend my scholarship on unnecessary things but mostly on food. I’m a food lover myself and almost every weekend i will go somewhere to find new places to eat. The good thing is, i pegi gym ok so my body tak la begitu ‘kembang’! Haha.

Anyway, when i ran out of my scholarship i will have financial problem. Now here comes the most embarrassing thing ever. My parents aren’t that rich, let alone have business. Sekadar kerja biasa2 je. That’s the reason why i tried to hard to get the JPA scholarship to ease their burden. But when i face financial difficulty, i will call them to chip in some money.

How embarrassing it is?! Ada biasiswa, heck it is Government scholarship yet i still ask money from them! Those who are FaMa scholars, by all means you spend la berapa ratus duit parents you bagi since you mampu tapi aku? Tidakkah bodoh namanya tu ada biasiswa tapi masih meminta duit saku daripada ibubapa?

It has been 4 years i studied here and this thing dah 4 tahun juga terjadi! Malu tu memang malu tapi idk, man. I’m really bad at money management and this thing is really embarrassing. Aku dah jadi malu gila bila ada satu masa tu time calling ngan mak, she asked ”Bulan lepas Adam* tak minta pun duit. Cukup ke duit tu”. Soalan tu went straight to my heart. Deep tu takyah tanya la. So deep that you can see the abyss of hell!

So to my juniors particularly sponsored students, listen to my advice (though it is cliche af):
1)Plan your money wisely. I know you’ve heard it for several thousands millions time dah tapi seriously dik, plan how you wanna spend it. Kalau boleh, create 2 bank accounts. 1 for monthly expenditure etc and 1 for emergency.
2)Those who are kaki makan like me, i know the temptation is high and it can’t be tamed but choose la tempat2 makan yang murah dan jangan kerap sangat pegi kat situ. Transportation cost will also add to your expenditure.
3)Avoid or kurangkan masa dengan kawan2 yang suka jalan. I know it sounds impossible and i’m not saying you have to spend your time kat library all the time. Tapi pandai2 la pilih kawan. If your friends jenis yang lepak cafe mahal2, tell them nicely that you can’t join them or if you still wanna go, by all means spend/use your money but don’t spend it on other things la. Contoh you dah spend RM50 kat cafe tu, perhaps 1 week to jimatkanlah expenditure.

Rasanya tu je kot. Oh and don’t use your money to do illicit things. Ingat. Biasiswa tu amanah rakyat @ from people’s tax. We have to duly carry out our obligation as trustees for this scholarship to excel in our studies and serve the community back.

That’s all from me. Harap post ini dapat memberi sesuatu kepada pembaca terutamanya scholars.


– Adam*

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