We Might See Things The Same Way

Hi. Aku A. Thanks kepada admin sebab post confession ni. Ini bukan confession rumah tangga. Cuma nak berkongsi a slice of my life dalam bidang safety, health & environment.

Aku sekarang process engineer dekat salah sebuah syarikat milik tempatan. Untuk makluman, gaji engineer sangatlah ciput dan profession process engineer ni taklah segah mana. Kalau tahu dulu macam ni, baik aku jadi duktur. Huhu. Abah kau duktur!

So nak dijadikan cerita, I was given the safety, health and environment portfolio after working here for six months despite being in charge of production pada masa yang sama. So, boleh bayang betapa banyaknya tanggungjawab, tak setimpal langsung dengan gaji! Cis!

Untuk makluman, safety & health adalah satu pecahan bidang. Manakala environment pula adalah satu bidang yang lain. So, adapun aku menjaga tiga bidang berbeza di dalam syarikat yang aku kerja ini. Production, s&h dan environment.

Mula2 aku terima je. Sebab aku selalu positif dan terima baik peluang yang diberikan. Sebab di setiap peluang tu ada ruang untuk belajar benda baru.

Bila kita expose kepada benda baru, di situ datangnya pengalaman. Bila belajar benda baru ni, bukan pasal bidang yang baru kau dipertanggungjawabkan tu je tetapi lebih.

Lebih2 lagi bila aku dapat belajar perangai sebenar employer aku yang bermata sepet ni yang sebenarnya tak nak commit pun dengan agenda penambahbaikan safety, health & environment.

So bila bercakap pasal safety, health & environment ni, sebenarnya memerlukan long term commitment. Be it financially mahupun a 180° change of culture.

We are talking about a strict rule abiding commitment yakni kalau kau rasa kau tak boleh commit to the requirements of safety and health improvements,

(Which requires more money since you failed to incorporate SHE when you planned to establish the entity of which sepatutnya kau incorporate SHE during the planning stage, then the cost would not be too much for you to bear), then you simply cannot do it.

The other thing is, the existing culture lah. Kalau you nak berubah, the change has to happen from the top.

Yes. For the past 20 years, this company has been operating without any SHE consciousness. Of which sebenarnya benda ni memang aku nampak dari mula aku masuk.

Tapi dek kerana aku pun masa tu baru je habis belajar, dan kebetulan tempat kerja aku ni sangatlah dekat dengan rumah, maka aku tiada pilihan selain menerima seadanya.

But since the culture was set to be like it is now, you can’t expect a person from below to work the magic. Sebab apa?

Simply because, the ‘rule’ that everyone follows is whatever the boss instructs us to do, we do lah. Lagi elok sebenarnya kalau kita follow benda betul. Tapi benda tak betul pun ikut jugak. Hmmm.

So even if there is someone to lead pun, but because he is not ‘the’ boss, then everyone else takkan follow. Kuasa mutlak. Veto. Is HIS. ‘The’ boss.

Even if I am here to propel you based on what is right, tapi bos tak nak berubah, then it won’t happen. The wrong culture was adhered, then the change was never possible. Simple.

Which brings us to the question. Why the position in the first place? Anyone would like to answer?

Yes! Wayang. So SHE = W.A.Y.A.N.G. So sebenarnya diaorang lagi suka nak berlakon kunun2 diaorang apply SHE tapi sebenarnya tidak. Which results to me being frustrated lah.

You see. I have a standard. And the way I see it, mine is higher than yours (employer eh bukan korang yang baca). So, why should I lower my standards when you should be the one increasing yours?

Sebab, setiap tahun, requirement safety, health and environment semakin strict. Bukan makin senang. So, we should keep up the pace. Bukan terkedek2 jalan macam itik.

Apparently, the answer to this question is also damn obvious lah. And apparently, even company yang besar2 pun macam Petronas, tak fully adhere to the requirements of SHE pun. Which is the cause to my second frustration. Hahahahaha.

So, the obvious answer is, dalam kalangan penguatkuasa sendiri pun tak berjaya nak memupuk idea mengaplikasikan agenda perubahan safety, health and environment. Be it DOSH mahupun DOE. Masing2 dah set, dan punya agenda tersendiri.

Susah sebenarnya bekerja dengan manusia ni. Semua pun wayang jugak. Adapun unsur2 seperti rasuah, rasuah dan rasuah sebenarnya lebih membantutkan lagi usaha orang2 kecil macam aku untuk membina tapak yang kukuh dalam bidang safety, health and environment.

Kita jadi frust sebab tiada kepuasan bekerja. Lama kelamaan, jadilah perasaan tak ada hati nak bekerja dah dalam company tu. Nak bekerja pun berkira. Punch card on time sokmo.

Actually before I worked here. I was working with a company dalam bidang palm oil production. Company tu ok. Cuma financially, memang ke laut ah. Sebab palm oil price pun tak berapa. Tapi kepuasan bekerja tu ada.

I was willing to work despite not being paid for 6 months every month (actually bayar, tapi lambat tambah 2 bulan). It goes to show how your work environment can contribute towards you being happy with the work you do. Tak ada langsung persoal gaji, just pure passion.

So, bila dah tak ada hati, kita pun plan nak chow lah. Senang je. Tapi perasaan takut dan trauma tu ada. Takut jumpa balik employer yang perangai sebijik.

Then, aku tender resignation. Bila ditanya kenapa, aku bagi reason. All this while, for the past 3 years aku pendam, aku bagitau semua. Then semua pun terkesima. Lepas tu, baru lah masing2 terhegeh2 nak buat itu, nak buat ini. Nak counter offer.

Baru nak start berlari when you should have done that 3 years ago. When I berleter, tapi sorang pun tak nak dengar. Seolah2 aku ni nobody. Takde sorang pun percaya kat aku. Sekarang nasi dah jadi bubur, aku dah tawar hati, maka aku pun cakap sayonara.

Diaorang counter offer gaji x 2.5 gaji aku sekarang pun aku taknak, haha.

– A yang tersakiti (Bukan nama sebenar)

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