Where is the ‘Adab’?

Hello, this is barely a confession, just a note i need all students to read on.

Im a fresh graduate of IIUM, now employed. My sis asked me on one compulsory university subject everyone needs to take. Sis is in the same uni i was in. So she screenshot one conv in her grp on the opinion of one lecturer i know of personally.

Just a bit introduction about the lecturer, a really thin man with curled hair in his mid 40 or maybe early 40, im so sorry if im wrong bcs intelligent people tend to look older than their real age. Teaching UNGS subject and other IRK subjects.

In the screenshot, Most of them said dont take the subject with this particular lecturer because he will give loads of assignments and that will cost them time to complete it, and this lecturer is strict and being ridiculous about marking.

I remember i skipped taking this particular subject for 1 semester bcs i couldnt register the class under this lecturer they bad mouthed. He was the best lecturer in religios discipline ive ever encountered. Btw, im a comm student and i considered doing minor in fiqh because of this class. In his class he makes everyone fully understand everything not only by the book but beyond that, he explains on modern/global issues in a neutral manner ie – hukm on surrogate mother, why dying and rebonding hair is not permissible -explanation based on technical facts which was very comprehensive and extended explanation on the discussed issue + history facts +science facts and all disciplines of knowledge that he knows of, that he never failed to amaze us that these disciplines are interrelated with each other.

In this class i was introduced to the principle of knowledge, the hows wheres and whys, is this permissible and whatnot, whats the wisdom behind it if it’s not permissible, different scholars’ views on it and a lot more to mention. I remember i didnt need to memorize anything from the book to go for exam (which i normally do for other subjects)

These studentswere so worried abt the marks and workload, while i can assure that it’s the same as per outline given like the time i was in his class, but only midterm test is done twice to give chances to those who cannot score and additional assignments to those who couldnt score above the average rate, just to help with students’ mark, for their own good which by right is not compulsory for him to do so.

These students even claimed they cried in front of class which to my memory taking two subjects with this lecturer, nobody even the laziest one dropped a tear in my class bcs of this lecturer’s attitude? If you dont want to proceed, he wont scold you as he himself is a soft spoken man, and if you dont wanna repeat the assignment, no worries your mark will not increase in number thats all. And he updates you the carry mark time by time so u can see how much more u need to score.

It seems like it’s a culture to ask opinions around on a particular lecturer from your friends. Students are lack of adab and akhlaq by being overopinionated on a knowledge giver if it doesnt suit their way of liking, which to me is not the sincerest way to seek knowledge my friend even if you claim so.

I just dont get it. Im a bit upset seeing this lecturer is being bad-mouthed by these students, if you dont wanna talk nice about someone especially the ones who have passed you their knowledge, maybe just keep it to yourself,one student even advised on dropping the subject because she thinks this lecturer should be boycotted. Right, make space for other knowledge seekers if youre only a grade pursuer or a ‘scorer’ as to your liking. Thanks.


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