Worshipping Ideologies?!

When I mentioned about Worshipping Ideologies, what will come across into your mind? Usually, people will define worship as an act of obligation towards God, but what does worshipping ideologies really mean?

If we all realise, in this modern era, it is weird and impossible for other people to force us, Muslims to worship idols since we have been taught about the existence of Allah, the real God and other Islamic teachings.

Gratefully, our society in Malaysia are very concern and sensitive for any religious issues arise. But, it doesn’t mean that the hidden enemy will just give up easily like that.

And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, “Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance.” If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper. (Surah Al-Baqarah, 120)

Allah already mentioned to us that the enemy of Islam will never approve or redha of us until we follow their way of life. To ensure that they achieve this mission, they try to make a gap between us and the teaching of Islam by introducing a lot of ideologies.

As the result, Muslims community are still Muslim on their outward appearance but have corrupted mind set and understanding towards Islam. As example, we can see the movement of Liberalist and Secularist groups in our country right now.

They are speaking up to achieve what they call as “Human Rights”, struggling for the rights of LGBTQ, women deserve to be Imam in congregational prayer and others. Are they still Muslims? Of course!! But how can they come with those ideas?

Yup, this prove that the ideology of Liberalism already spread in our society. Let us discuss the components of this ideology!

A) Freedom

“Hey! This is my life! Everybody deserve their own freedom!!”

“I don’t want to wear hijab! It is hot you know?”

Have you ever heard those statements before? Is that Islam against freedom? Definitely NO! We are free to choice what food to eat today, what colour of hijab to wear today and so on.

We need to understand here that Islam never stopped us to choice but it provides limitations towards our “freedom” because Allah knows the best something that we don’t know in the future.

Allah commands women to cover their aurah is because He want to protect them. Women are not to be displayed and their body is not for public consumption.

B) Individualism

“If I want to become a woman, it is not your problem! It is between me and God!”

We often heard or even face this situation right? In Liberalism ideologies, it emphasizes about the individualism, it is no matter what a person want to do as along he or she doesn’t disturb the others. It is what Islam taught us? Our beloved Prophet PBUH already said that

“Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri said: ‘I heard the Messenger of Allah [SAW] say:

Whoever among you sees an evil and changes it with his hand, then he has done his duty. Whoever is unable to do that, but changes it with his tongue, then he has done his duty. Whoever is unable to do that, but changes it with his heart, then he has done his duty, and that is the weakest of Faith.'”

What we can conclude here is that, it is our responsibility to do amar makruf nahi mungkar since it is the command from Allah. We need to change the evils that we observe depend on our ability to avoid Allah’s wrath towards us.

C) Rational

“Why I must be punished in the hell if I don’t perform the prayers?? I never wished to be born to this world!”

Does that statement sound logic in our mind? Yes, this is how liberalism spread in the society by uphold the power of mind to think everything. Why women cannot become imam in congregational prayer?

Liberalist said that this does not in line with the concept of “Gender Equality” since women also have talent in recite Quranic verses in good way. To refute this statement, we need to understand that ‘aqal given to us is limited, it can’t think beyond its limitation.

Knowledge must be wrapped by iman. Woman can be imam only for women and not for man to protect their dignity. We need to understand that Allah created us so He knows what is the best for us.

To conclude, as Muslim, we need to always develop ourselves with knowledge and beware to any ideologies that against Islam. Let’s pray for stability and peace for our country.

– Firdaus Mokhlis (Laws, CFS IIUM Gambang) (Bukan nama sebenar)

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