Yang Muda Nak Jadi Tua, Vice Versa

Salam. Thanks admin sudi siarkan confession aku ni. Im a girl, 22 years old and here I want to talk about this annoying trend that can clearly be seen on social media where the youngsters eager nak jadi adult and yang adult pulak eager nak jadi muda. Im not trying to be judgemental, account korang sukahati korang la but little do we know, trend macam ni la yang merosakkan bangsa melayu and the upcoming generations.

1) For the youngsters
Yes, umur2 belasan tahun macam ni memang orang kata umur mencari identiti diri, to feel accepted and to have that sense of belonging in the society. To be honest, aku kesian tengok budak2 sekarang yang growing up in this era. In order to fit in, they need to dress up like adults, siap make up bagai. Its like a norm pulak on social media. Kalau takde ig, orang cakap ketinggalan zaman. Dulu masa aku zaman nak up pun ada myspace and friendster tapi takde pulak sampai tahap aku kena ambik tau pasal makeup2 ni.

Untuk adik2 kat luar sana, instead of changing your appearances, why dont you change your mindsets? Instead of trying so hard to please the eyes of some stranger, why dont you try to please people who deserved it? Like your parents. Ni sibuk nak please boyfriend yang clearly takde vision of life lagi. And this is actually one of the side effects from drama2 melayu yang tak habis2 portay pasal cinta yang doesnt make sense. Yang paling obvious message yang drama2 ni berjaya sampaikan is “kalau dapat kahwin laki kaya, selamat hidup”. For readers page ni, if you have adik ke or anak kecik, plz janganla galakkan mereka tengok drama2 ni. Its not the best exposure because at such young age, budak2 ni dah mula fantasize nak bercinta and nak kawin.

Belum masuk wechat lagi. Masa kelas, lecturer aku ada mentioned yang owner wechat pun tak sangka wechat ada market kat malaysia. Sebab apa? Easy access to strangers. Shake je dah bole dapat ‘kawan’. For adults, yang tau guna tu takpela. Ni budak2 yang baru nak up ni yang kita kena observe. tengok case budak umur lapan tahun dapat mesej lucah tu. Its a really worrying phenomenon.

2) For adults
Adults here refers to golongan yang dah berumur 30-an ke atas, yang ada group2 alumni daripada sekolah rendah sampai la group tempat kerja lama. Tak salah nak ada group2 ni, the main purpose pun nak socialize, nak eratkan silaturrahim. But then, as we can see today, orang2 yang ada group ni terlalu commited sampai tak tau other priorities. im not saying semua, but some of them macam excited guna whatsapp, duk mengimbau kenangan lalu, ada pulak ex dalam tu, lepas tu scandal. Aku yg ada a few groups pun tak berapa nak active sangat. To those yang ada group2 alumni ni, berpada2 la. Jangan disebabkan group ni, keluarga terabai. Bapak aku dulu pun excited semacam ada group alumni, sampai time makan pun dia la yang paling antisocial. Sekarang, bila dia rasa group tu dah banyak merepek dan tak mendatangkan apa2 manfaat, dia left. So, in this situation, kita kena pandai menilai whether these groups give us positive impacts or the opposite.

Adults nak jadi muda in the sense that they are trying to go back to ‘the good old days’ when those old days were decades ago and sadly, they tried to BE those people in those days, mentally (the way they think and behave) and physically (the way they dressed back then). Yang ada scandal tu, they tried to lighten up the flame of love that was burning vigorously, once upon a time. End up, tersuka dengan sengaja.

Memang trend2 ni beyond our control, but at least we know that it is happening and most likely people around us, people that we cared about involved in this. So that should be our starting point; to save our loved ones.

sorry bahasa rojak gila

– A Concerned Citizen

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