
This is not a confession, more like… Yeah it's a confession with a question for help. I'm not an IIUM tho, I wish to be in the near future.

I wanna say something about my dad. We're a family of 6. Mom, Dad, two brothers and one little sister. I'm the third child. Hidup alhamdulillah, not too luxury not too poor.

I found out that he's cheating, or perhaps cheated. First dapat tahu was from a friend of mine. She said that she saw someone who looked like my dad going in her neighbour's house; janda anak satu. At first, of course I didn't believe her. No way my Dad would do something so filthy.

Until, one day he drove me to that house and meet with that woman. The house from outside looked like a run-down house, very poorly maintained, rumput panjang, you won't even know that someone's living in it. Pencuri nak masuk pun fikir sejuta kali. Dia kata ada business. He need to talk with that woman for a bit. I waited in the car while playing with games for awhile, until I saw him leaving the house dengan perempaun tu throuwing tantrum, mad and throuwing stuff out. It looked like as if he made a one-sided deal; he's satisfied with it while she's not. That woman looked like at her 30s, long hair, dressed like she's still hot when she's actually not, plump body, exposing her chest wayyy to exposed. After that incedent, I didn't hear anything about my dad from my friend. And I of course dismiss the accusation and forget about it.

A year after, my phone decided to shut down. I needed a new one because I need to contact my parents if anything happened. I live in Shah Alam while they live in KL. Dad offered me his old phone and I took it because I have no other choice. Ye lah, student, duit bukan senang nak dapat and kalau nak mintak dari parents like, diorang pun ada anak yang lain nak jaga. Since he's such an oldie, dia tak tahu how to use technology much, so he gave me the phone with all the datas in it, inclucinh g the messages and calls. He said "tolong dad format. I don't know how to. Don't wonder about before you format it (terus format phone lepas masukkan simcard.)"

So I went back home and insert my simcard. Once I turned on the phone, hati kuat tergerak nak wonder about the phone. So I opened his messages. Theres a thread of him talking to this one janda. At first it was lovey dovey, and then like normal couple, they fought. Then they get back together. Panjang. Panjang sangat.

The janda found dad when she was going through her divorce. He was there for her. At that time Dad is married to Mom and had children up until me. Little sister tak muncul lagi. Then when my mom got pregnant, that woman got angry. She knew about the pregnancy through someone else, not through my dad. Dad decided to leave but she said he have to be responsible for her child… Apparently, its their child. Fight fight. Baik baik. Fight fight. Baik baik. From the conversation I know that they're not married, they just got together and had some fun every now and then. I don't know what happened next cause the conversations ends with him setting a date with her, dated months after he brought me to the rundown house. I did my research, dad got a new phone that month.

Bila tengok relationship Mom and Dad the last year, they were fine, like nothing bad happened. So I think they're good, meaning Mom didn't know. My siblings of course didn't know too. But I've been holding it for too long and I don't know how to look at my dad anymore.

I love Dad, but what he did was betraying all of us. I just can't look at him the same. I didn't talk to my friend anymore cause I'm ashamed of it. Sometimes, I feel guilty when I look at Mom and Dad bermesra, or when Dad tried to joke around with me cause all I did was ignoring him. Cause this man betrayed us and he can act as if he did nothing, and I can't accept that.

So what should I do? Talk to him, tell him that I know what he did or should I become a hypocrict like him, laugh and smile for the sake of the family?

Advise: To parents out there who's currently in an affair. Just stop. Don't think that you're not affecting your family if they didn't know. Cause when they know they'll lose respect. To kids, may you be strong and not get involve with this kind of mess.

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Hantar confession anda di sini ->


  1. pendapat kecil sy; fikir positif terhadap ayah anda. mgkin beliau sudah bertaubat, dn mungkin wanita tu dh bertemu jodoh dgn org yg baik.. klu diungkit cerita, mgkin akan berlaku keburukan yg lebih teruk berbanding dgn kepuasan hati kita. satu lagi, hal rumahtngga ibubapa, biarlah mereka yg selesaikan, unless mereka dh seperti sasau xde arah nk cari penyelesaian.. sy ada pgalaman bilamana anak2 masuk cmpur dlm hal rumahtangga ibu ayah hingga hampir2 myebabkn perceraian. Alhamdulillah, skrg dh normal.. seburuk mana pun ibu ayah, pandanglah dr sisi positif. mereka ada sbb tertentu knapa mereka lakukan sesuatu perkara. smoga keluarga anda dipayungi rahmat Allah selalu.

  2. Bro/sis,
    Ada masa, sebenarnya ayah kau sayang je family kau & mak ayah, cumanya, dia lelaki and its normal for a guy untuk cinta lebih pada seorang perempuan.

    Sebab apa, kau pernah tengok drama tak? Tak kisah la tv3 pukul 7 ke pukul 9 ke. Lelaki ni, kalau dia dah tak suka bini dia, dia takkan amek berat dah, dah takkan peduli dah anak-anak. Tapi ur dad still take care of you and he is still joking around , mesra lagi dengan ur mum right? Cuma ye lah, yang tak bestnya bila kantoi dengan kau pasal hubungan dia dengan makcik tu.

    Aku harap kau tak bertindak terburu-buru, jangan cetus kekacauan dalam rumah tangga, jangan bagitau mak kau straight. Sebabnya, aku risau thing might be worst babe. Kang daripada bahagia lagi family kau sampai bercerai berai nauzubillah, nak?

    So, aku berpendapat bahawa wajar untuk kau tanya ayah kau. Macam mana? Ajak ayah kau pergi kfc ke restoran ke mana-mana berdua dgn kau je, then kau tanya la elok-elok. Jangan kau baling french fries tu pulak. Tanya santai je. Cakap dekat ayah kau, tak elok lah buat macam tu, orang lain tau, nanti orang lain bukak aib ayah, kang sampai pada pengetahuan mak pulak kang.

    Get it? Lagipun aku rasa mak kau dan family ialah keutamaan ayah kau, cumanya makcik tu mungkin ayah kau ni baik sangat, nak bagi sokongan moral dekat makcik tu, last2 tersuka pulak. Ha gitu.

    Biasalah, perempuan ni tak boleh kalau ada lelaki caring dengan dia. Terus jatuh hati.

    So try lah . ini pendapat aku yang entah berapa sen. :)

    SHRMZB !

  3. Saya rasa ayah awak sayang family awak. Mungkin dia tak boleh mengawal kehendak nafsu tapi, itu tak bermakna dia tak cintakan mak awak. He still love your mom dan sayang dia pada mak awak lebih dari sayang dia pada perempuan itu.

    I think the best way is awak kena face to face with your dad, talk with him. Yaa, its hard tapi, awak pun rasa tak mampu nak hadap dengan ayah awak sebab hal ni kan? mungkin ayah awak ada alasan dia dan ayah awak lebih tahu cerita sebenar. Kalau awak tak kuat untuk berhadapan dengan dia , apa kata awak call dia? sms dia? tanya elok-elok. Jangan bertanya apabila awak sedang beremosi kerana emosi itu mampu membuat awak melakukan tindakan di luar kawalan.

    Dia tetap ayah awak walau apapun. Mungkin dia sendiri dalam dilemma. People always make mistake. Saya harap awak bertabah :)

  4. Sis-if u feel u need a closure-talk to ur dad-one to one..he needs to know how his actions affected people around him.between ur dad n ur mom-biar laa dia tentukan seniri,nk confess or not.leave it to him.

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