Assalamualaikum. I am not sure if admin will post my confession or not. But if the admin did, Thank You!
Baiklah. I am an IPTS student. A final year student to add.
Bukan student UIA for sure.
Since I was in my first semester, Alhamdulillah. My results still in a dean’s list and my current CGPA is 3.90.
All grateful to Him.
Ramai yang tanya how in the world I still managed to keep my results that way.
Honestly. I don’t know.
In fact, kalau nak dibandingkan dengan kawan kawan yang lain. I didn’t study much.
I rarely hadap buku. Study utk final 3 hari sebelum. Study untuk midterm 3 jam sebelum exam. So, honestly I did not know macam mana result still boleh macam tu. All Grateful to Allah again.
I don’t have real tips to give sebab aku bukan lah jenis study awal.
But there may be some few things that I think that had helped me so much in my student life.
1)Jangan tinggal baca Quran.
I practiced this since I was in my first year. And to me, the only time that I could rest is masa baca Quran. If aku letih sangat dan tak baca quran for 2 days a row, aku akan ganti balik.
At least baca lah satu muka surat sehari kalau malas sangat. Seriously. It will help a lot for you to rest your mind.
2)Active dalam Kelab
By mean club. I mean Kelab yang bagi banyak benefit utk diri kita.
I am one of the active members dalam persatuan Islam dekat Uni aku. Even if there are times that I felt tired, but realizing that my busy-ness had prevented me from wasting my time mindlessly.
Dalam persatuan Islam, I learn a lot about Agama. Dan aku disibukkan dengan perkara perkara yang ingatkan aku tentang Islam itu sendiri.
There was once. I was in a hard situation where I have to settle my assignments yang pada masa tu around a day before dateline dan aku belum buat apa2 lagi.
I choose to go to help in organizing Islamic event. And Alhamdulillah. Allah helped me that time. He gives me idea and inspiration to settle my assignment.
Masa tu assignment aku adalah yang kedua tertinggi dalam kelas.
3)Sibukkan diri dengan usrah.
Dalam hidup student, actually. We do have lots of free time. At least I do. Since I was in my first semester, Aku masuk Usrah to fill up my free time. So every week, i have to attend usrah.
For me, my usrah time is my time to relax from worldly life. Cliche nya bunyi. Haha.
Tapi betullah. Aside from relaxing myself, I learn a lot from my Usrah.
In Usrah. I have siblings that supported me ups and downs.
Pernah ada orang tanya. Kenapa aku eager sangat pergi usrah. Usrah je pun.
Tapi untuk aku. Usrah adalah one of my main reason aku dapat survive hidup aku sebagai seorang student.
Susah aku nak cakap. Like seriously. You have to experince it by yourself the fun of Usrah.
4)Rajinkan Diri pergi Program Agama.
Need to I remind again. Elakkan lah diri daripada isi masa lapang dengan benda yang kita sendiri tahu Tuhan tak suka.
Dan isi masa kita dengan benda yang Tuhan suka. Insya Allah. He will help us.
5)Minta Parents selalu doakan diri.
Honestly. Until now. I feel that my success in getting dean list was not because of me myself. But because of my parents prayers. Ingat. Doa ibu bapa itu lagi berkat.
6)Selalu Datang Kelas dan Hormat Lecturers
I rarely skip my class unless I do really have things that prevent me from going to my class.
Even if tak faham pun kelas tu. Pergi jee.
Hormat lecturers is another thing.
Jangan panggil atau refer lecturer sekadar dengan nama. Contoh, Miss Farisha. Tapi masa tengah bercakap dengan kawan, refer lecturer tu as Farisha saja. Sesuka hati panggil nama je. They are not our friends. Mengumpat lecturer is a big no no. INGAT. Berkat Ilmu yang kita nak.
7)Faham bukan Memorize
My principle is I will understand first. And the memorizing part will come naturally.
Most of my friends always did memorizing without understanding.
Percayalah. Benda tu tak tahan lama.
8)Kebergantungan pada Allah
Setiap benda yang kita buat perlulah disandarkan pada Allah.
Kita berjaya say thanks to Him. Kita sedih, hadap Dia dulu. Semua yang kita dapat adalah daripada Dia.
9)Cari Keberkatan Ilmu. Bukan Kecermelangan semata mata.
I always believe berkat atau tak satu satu ilmu tu lagi penting dari result hebat.
Nak dapat result hebat, tiru pun boleh dean list. Tapi berkat atau tak?
Do our assignments and works betul betul. Jangan copy paste. Jangan meniru.
Even if you didn’t get the dean’s list as you wished. Believe me. His Barokah is with you if you had done greatly in your job.
10) Utamakan Urusan kita dengan Allah melebihi segalanya.
Know your priority. Which one is Fardhu Ain. Which one is Fardhu Kifayah.
I always believe. Kalau kita utamakan Allah dalam hidup, yang lain akan datang dengan sendirinya.
That will be few things that I could share about things that I did.
I am currently struggling with my final year thesis and do pray for me.
Maaf kalau penulisan aku agak kelam kabut dan tak terurus. But that is me.
Good Luck my fellow.
– Final Year Student
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