Salam semua. Sorry just for sharing and luahan.
Terasa nak share berkenaan jodoh..
Saya umur 30 P.. Just sharing how exactly my life yang saya rasa banyaknya dah terlepas lelaki2 baik dalam hidup and kinda regreted it.
Time sekolah menengah ada la suka dekat seorang kawan. Satu batch.
Ramai macam perasan macam ada mutual feeling antara kami tapi none of us confess and maybe rasa sebab terlalu muda and nak focus belajar.
So kami lama2 jauh sebab belajar and turns out he met someone and married already.
Dia macam rasa tak ada lah kecewa/heartbroken sangat tapi lebih kepada rasa, alahai kalau la dulu one of us (or me) said something. Maybe there will be some chances that time.
Another one during degree.
One kind hearted boy, actually showing some interest. By always making conversations with me, listening attentively benda yang kita tengah cakap.
People around us noticed him making the effort but, saya memang tak perasan and sampailah maybe the boy lost the feeling i guess.
And we stayed as friends.
Dia rasa macam, he is so kind and why i did not see the hints something like that.
He eventtually met a girl and married. I am happy for both of the boys ive met, having a beautiful life.
No hard feelings towards them seriously.
And now, in working situation. Met a guy.. Kind hearted and diligent in works.
Already giving some hint to orang tengah that i interested in him (p/s; me never make a move or bercinta the whole life)
And he kindda showed some good response however he also shy a lot. Sangat.
During message tak tahu sama ada nonchalant or not interested. Macam saya je kena initiates the conversations.
But based on orang tengah katanya macam interested.
I do not want this one to go wasted like previously (cause he kind and ada ciri ciri yang kita mahu).
And i am kindda introverted dengan orang yang kita suka tapi boleh gila2 dengan orang yang takde pape dengan kita.
Can i get some advices. Thanks..
P/s : sorry for mixed languages.
– Anonymous (Bukan nama sebenar)
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