Personal Hygiene

First of all, I would like to applause IIUMC’s admin(s) for managing such organized confession page for IIUM. Excellent job! And I believe I’m speaking on behalf of the other readers.

Secondly, here is my confession. I am not an IIUM student. I just came across here because the stories are very motivating and sometimes restore my faith in humanity, not to mention that I had been taking things for granted till after I found IIUMC. Just wanna tell those who face difficulties in life that never give up. Stay strong, brothers and sisters.

The third thing is about hygiene in genereal. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m very self-conscious about my personal hygiene. and by hygiene, for me it includes how you organize your stuff in your bedroom, or even how you do your bed every morning. Let me tell you what I think.

From my experience so far, I have something really important to tell the guys. NOT ALL GIRLS ARE CLEAN. Some appear to be clean and gorgeous when going to classes while their room are trashes. And some may look to be untidy when their rooms are sparkly clean. Some may practice both. And growing up with a strict mom, it bothers me so much when my housemates won’t do the dishes or clean the floor or take out the trash or collect the laundry outside. It feels like I’m the official janitor for the house. I need everything to get done immediately. I can’t wait for later to do the dirty dishes. It’s like an annoying disease that I got from my mother which does not approve and sight of untidiness near me.

But my housemates don’t seem to care enough to do their dishes afterwards. Need to wait for tomorrow to clean them up. Guess it’d be just me to settle everything. Like I said, it’s a disease. But, don’t we all live in the same freakin house? Where’s your responsibilities? Why can’t you help out to even sweep the floor occasionally? Is it too much to ask? How come girls like you get the guys while I don’t? Oh so now I have to show all the house chores I did on social media? Is that how it supposed to get done?

Here’s my theory, girls who have boyfriends don’t know shit about house chores. They’re so full with their so-called relationship goals and shitty wedding ideas. This is horrifying because, imagine that they did get married and have a family. Who would teach their kids on the house chores when they themselves don’t practice them? And what makes this theory even more accurate is that my own sister won’t do the house chores. Instead she be the queen and holding phones, talking with her 100th boyfriend. I am so annoyed by the fact that those girls get to have boyfriend. LMFAO FML

So in conclusion, I really don’t know what my confession has become. HAHA! entertaining I suppose. By the way, thanks for reading! It feels great to finally have this let out! :)

– nsha

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