Sambungan Beauty Privilege

Hai Anne 20s, beauty privilege is real, it actually feel like kau kena buli juga. Memang rasa dia macam tu, but not secara fizikal, yang tersakitinya tu didalam orang tak nampak.

Sokong tak? Kalau aku aku cakap beauty privilege ni membuli? Just because you tak cantik orang tak prefer nak cakap dengan kau.

That why the first cerita àda dikaitkan dengan personaliti and confidence. Boleh baca di sini,

Lepas tu bab jerawat orang kaitkan dengan hormon and emosi stress, siapa yang tak stress dengan layanan orang yang merendahkan kita.

Di sini kita cuba memahami situasi orang ya. When people say “it’s not about how u look, it’s about how u carry yourself.

Bila orang2 tak nak bercakap dan dengar pendapat kita, itu yang membuat kita tak ada niat nak bercakap dan bergaul demi mengelakkan orang lebih mengata dan demi menjaga hati sendiri diri katakan.

Better orang ignore kita dan buat hal sendiri. Even in workplace kalau nak dapat macam pangkat or dipilih join team some of them really see the good looking.

That’s why malas nak volunteer for jawatan sbb at the end they gonna choose the one yang popular and cantik.

Bunyi macam dengkikan, tapi orang macam kami ni dengki diam2 je takda siapa ada untuk kami meluah pun. Lagi stress yang berlainan jantina.

Bila nampak suka tegur muka orang depan2 orang. Memang perangai tak ada adab, kita patut react macam mana dengan gurauan yang makan hati.

The amount of “guy friends” that treat me differently just cus im less attractive than my friends. Hurmm orang pergi makan tak ajak pun buat kita sedih.. dah terlebih sensitif pula.

So korang let’s breaking down the walls of beauty standards one flaw at a time. Saya juga di antara orang2 yang bersama2 melawan rasa sedih setiap hari bila tengok my acne is getting worse.

People always would ask me if i picked at my skin. In all the years of having acne, i never once picked at my skin. Hampir kebanyakan media sosial mengatakan parut jerawat yang dalam disebabkan kita picit.

I used to feel so frustrated as i didn’t understand why acne was leaving behind such deep scars. Sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it’s what skin does.

So many people have clear skin and never have the experience acne getting worse, tiba2 bagi tips produk padahal jerawat baru ada 1. Itu pun timbul time period je, kita ni tak period pun timbul. Perasaan giving up and wonder why you even tried in the first place.

I feel like people with clear skin won’t ever understand the feeling of just absolutely hating how “dirty” you feel like your face looks, even though you wash your face twice a day.

Sometimes when you forget about it and are out with your friends, you’ll catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror and your whole mood will be ruined and wonder why you look the way you do and why anyone would ever want to look at you.

People talk about giving yourself enough motivation to leave the house or just feeling so defeated that you don’t want to go out anymore can absolutely destroy you.

We know makeup and acne will forever be an issue for me. I want to wear the makeup to cover the acne which makes the acne worse and it’s just all awful. This is how it feels every morning for me when I’m putting on makeup during a bad breakout.

It hard to look at the mirror and be kind to myself but i try everyday.

Sometimes when I’m in the middle of doing my makeup I just stare at my face in the mirror and start removing makeup bcos im still look ugly my acne still visible bila kita try covering it up and hiding my face with a mask. Always cry because of this.

Sekarang hidup dengan media sosial, dunia seakan2 milik si cantik. Sepanjang 20s plus nak masuk 30 tahun hidup takda sape pernah confess ke saya, sebab not good-looking jadi cam wah rasa sedih jugak ye even though tau jodoh saya wujud.

When they say pretty privilege is not real, but the way they act around attractive people tell you otherwise.

We can’t compete. Sad truth. Anywhere different treatments & opportunities for pretty people.

Some people be like ‘yang buruk2 ni kena sedar diri yang good-looking people are for each other, not you guys’ He told me why can’t I do my work like others, he told her don’t compare hers to others.

Terkesan sangat dengan ayat dua ni, asam garam kehidupan. Banyaknya rasa macam nak luah kat sini semua. Tapi macam dah panjang nauu je ni.

Tujuan luah nak cerita pasal jerawat, emotional damage pastu terikut sekali lain2 yang berkait dengan layanan orang2 sekeliling.

Penat la.. kita rapat dengar orang, kita terasa dengan layanan orang, kita menyendiri orang mengata pula.

Terima kasih, kalau ini disiarkan. Saya cuma bertujuan menjelaskan dengan lebih details apa beauty privilege yang sebenar.

Saya selalu rasa ini sebenarnya perkara yang membuli perasaan yang tidak diambil berat seperti issue s3xual harassment.

– Also woman (Bukan nama sebenar)

Hantar confession anda di sini ->

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