tajuk yang confirm sangat kontrovesi, tapi sebab i am malay, and not really exposed to other culture, so i speak on behalf of my race, yes! lelaki melayu :)
1. house choresssss.
tak dinafikan, after this mesti ramai yang kata lelaki pun boleh masak laa, kemas rumah laa etc etc etc…., kemain berapi cakap/claim pandai itu ini,zaman bujang kat kolej/rumah sewa/uni buat macam2, dah awat xbuat pun bila duk rumah?
"oh, mak/kakak/adik perempuan kan ada" bila dah kahwin, tukar statement pulak.."isteri kan ada.."
ohh, it means men can get their rest when women are around..heh, dah tu yg women, xpayah rest langsung, yes, we are bionic and we are not human at all -.-
~walk the talk bro~~~
2. education
since primary school dah perasan benda ni, boys' standard always lower than girls, sebab nak bagi balance kelas/ sekolah,
cth; girls need to have their grade much higher than 95% while boys just need 90% to get first class, why?
"oh, budak laki banyak main, lelaki ni lambat sikit etc etc etc"
bila kene kat girls je…
"try harder, ur other girls friend can perform well, why not u?"
bila berjaya
"wahhh, hebat lah boys ni bole perform, susah nak tengok boys dpt result macam ni etc etc etc"
and girls be like
"biasalaa, girls kan pandai & cepat belajar, how about their other friends?"
perghh,kene compare lg -.-
-girls, u need to study hard, study more be outstanding and wajib masuk dapur, duhhh, how ironi~~~
3. attitude
xnak cakap banyak, just nak sentuh satu aspect je; SOPAN
i- sopan dengan masa
cth: bila masuk uni, yg paling lambat/x attend kelas tu mesti lelaki,
tapi org akan respond "biasala tuu, lelaki memang selalu lambat.."
but kalau perempuan lambat, kemain kecam kat tudung laa, make up laa etc etc etc,
please gentlemen, as long u are muslim and human being, please be responsible with ur time, ada 24 jam je sehari and everyone get the same amount of time, and we dont have/get an extra time to wait for u
ii- sopan dengan kata2
come on guys,mencarut is not our style, regardless men or women, muslim or not, but usually org akan amek kisah bila dengar girls mencarut, and boys be like ~~biasalahh, lelaki~~ [facepalm]- mencarut tak melambangkan langsung yg korg gentlemen, and oh yeah, i think being gentlemen does not mean it applicable to certain time or people (sebab ada certain org dia selective gentlemen,urghh,fake sngt =.=)
iii- sopan dengan badan
a) pakaian; haihh, geleng kepala tengok trend skang =.=
b) kesihatan; awat laa liat sngt nak pi hospital bila sakit, xpayah nak tunjuk kuat sngt, and kalau dah dapat ubat tu, makan laa!
ayat biasa pakcik2 "ni first time pakcik masuk hospital, selama ni xpenah sakit,hospital pun x pernah jejak etc etc etc"
kajian menunjukkan lelaki sngt tinggi ego nya terhadap diri sendiri in seeking for medical advice- sebab tu laa kat ward general ramai pesakit lelaki
*so lets break the norm!
kepada ibu yang ada anak2 lelaki, and kakak kepada adik2 lelaki anda, jom educate them together to create a better imam
and kepada lelaki2 di luar sana, xlambat untuk anda berubah and kalau xnak berubah pun, jangan jadi lebih teruk dah laa
self-claimed by one of my lecturer,a malay gentleman
"lelaki melayu ni bodoh sombong"
so to malay guys out there, prove us that u are not! ;D
– eg
Hantar confession anda di sini -> www.iiumc.com/submit
nope. i have to disagree with this. u generalize the statement, saying all men being like that. fyi, laki dlm family aku semua independent. mkn boleh buat sendiri, basuh baju boleh buat sendiri, kemas rumah boleh buat sendiri. tp masing2 distribute lah house chores, not just leaving all the works to the women in our house. semua depends on didikan parents. i dont know whether you are saying this referring to your father or your brother or your uncle or your nephew or any of guys in your life, but it clearly shows that the men you referred to are not well educated by their parents. stop generalizing the men because my parents did a great job in raising my brothers.
yup , we agree to disagree !!
Thank you Sis Najwa. Thank you very much.
– A man who does house chores
Ak bsetuju sgt!!
I nod to every point
Semua aspek sosial lelaki dan perempuan dia dh masukkan siap2. Very thorough, confessor. Not that im interested with your points
Feminis memberontak nahui
yang ni aku setuju hahah
Adoii…jgn la blame laki smpai cam tu skli…
Aku laki…
Lpas abis spm aku aku smbung stdy lgi.. n then ddk asrama 3thun lbey mcm tu…klaw ddk asrama comferm kne wat sndri kan…berdikari…time p klas kne ikut time..klaw lambat mmg tpcak bdri kat tanah lapang co aku blaja dlu under goverment punya institut….ok..
Time ddk rumah sewa…aku jnis x suke rumah yg bspah..bhbuk or what ever la…bab2 nie aku akn sntiase menjeling bdk2 rumah aku…ha3…bgi hint dkt dye org …ok..klaw kat rumah fmly aku…selalu nye bju aku akn bsuh sndri…sbb aku x suke org basuh bju aku…sbb aku jnis klaw bju berjalan n bju ddk rumah bsuh asing…yg bab lain tu mcm masak..klaw dok umah fmly mmg mak aku la yg masak…aku akn masak time ddk kat rumah sewa or klaw kat kg klau mak aku xda kat rumah…hu3…yg bab lain semua aku buat sndri..kdg2 bnda nie klaw ko educate dye org pun klaw dye org xnk…mmg xkan jdi…tpi bnda nie ikut pda pangkal aty..ur self..how u manage ur self..kne ad ksedaran pde diri tu..smpai bila nak jdi org yg xde tujuan hdup…
Bahagian dia
true and #weemphasizeexcellencyonourwomentoomuch…
Statement racis dengan gender lain…. kalau kite dok carik kesalahan orang, bile pulak nak baiki diri sendiri…