8 ways to get a life-threatening diseases

This is not my post, i copy from someone. Might be useful for everyone. To that person, sorry i copy without your permission. Halalkan kan okeh ^^

1. Drink coca-cola/carbonated drinks everyday
– A 330 mls can of coke contains so much sugar that it should make you vomit after the first 10 minutes of consumption, however the phosphoric acid stops that from happening by reducing the sugary flavor. Ive met a 15 years old with diabetes on upon questioning, she admitted that she dranks 2-3 cans of 100 plus and coca cola everyday. DId you know that farmers in India use coca cola as a cheap alternatives for pesticide? You don’t wanna drink pesticide do you?
2. Smoke 1-2 pack per day
– 86 percent of lung cancer patient are smokers. Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than nonsmokers. Apart from lung diseases, smoking links to heart attack, stomach and pancreatic cancer as well as stroke.
3. Consume alcohol everyday
– there is a study published that excessive drinking (8 or more drinks per week) leads to various cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, and colon. Alcohol is one of the common cause of pancreatitis. and liver cirrhosis
4. Eat canned foods on regular basis
– ever heard of BPA? Sekarang semua orang nak guna botol yang BPA free, kenapa? A lot of serious health risks linked to BPA such as stimulation of prostate cancer cell, alteration of immune function as well as increase risk of obesity. Unfortunately, BPA was used as a lining in canned food. Nak elakkan BPA? Belilah makanan yang dibotolkan and avoid makanan daripada tin
5. Consume large amount of Jering everyday
– Study shows that djenkolic acid, which can be found in Jering, is a type of amino acid that precipitates into crystal forming sludge and eventually leads to obstructive nephropathy. Craving for Jering? Rebus dulu sebelum makan, since djenkolic acid is removed from the beans
6. Buy OTC drugs and consume painkiller on a regular basis
– Tonnes of steroids were used in so-called herba, jamu atau produk supplement. Steroid will leads to Cushing syndrome (iatrogenic) which increase the risk of developing hypertension, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus etc. Consuming NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen (chronic usage) will leads to renal failure and upper gastrointestinal bleeding
7. Drink 3 in 1 beverage everyday
Malaysians are reported to be consuming an average of 24 teaspoons of sugar per day currently, making it to be among the highest consumers of sugar in South East Asia. Consuming 3 in 1 beverage gives the consumer a ‘sugar rush’ that they think will help by providing more energy at work or at school thus making us crave for more 3 in 1 drinks. The health risks includes diabetes mellitus, obesity and cardiovascular disease
8. Eat maggi/AjiNoMoto everyday
MSG containing foods can kill you. This is because glutamate, which can be found in most of the foods nowadays can cross blood brain barrier and it has been linked with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s chorea. Injections of glutamate in laboratory animals have resulted in damage to nerve cells in the brain. Apart from that regular consumption of MSG includes obesity, depression and eye damage

– Ant

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