Lend your hands instead of bashing

Asslamualaikum.. Aku tak pasti sama ada post ni appropriate atau tak.. But I'm making the best effort to ensure that this post doesn't go over the limit.. Sebab aku pernah post something macam ni sebelum ni and it wasn't approved by the admin.. K macam ni.. Aku ade terbaca beberapa posts n comments yang macam mempermainkan dan pandang rendah dekat 'gay' people yg buat confession kat page uitm confession ni.. They think of it as a joke and it's okay to make fun of these 'special people' .. Listen here okay.. Ive known lots of gay people.. And they are my friends too.. And most of them don't want to be gay.. They want to change.. But it's not something that can be changed macam kau nak tuka baju.. These people keep struggeling everyday and they keep questioning themselves why do they have to be gay.. Dorang sendiri tanak jd gay.. N ada yg rasa down gile n frust sbb dorang tanak jd mcm tu.. Ada yang menangis sbb frust hidup mcm ni.. It's not something that they ask for..

Orang yang tak ada dekat tempat dorang mmg takkan faham.. Korang senang cakap 'ubah la diri.. Tak geli ke.. Tak takut dosa ke.. Geli la tgk org confess mcm ni.. Geli dgn manusia mcm ni..' Tp pernah tak ko approach n bantu orang macam ni? Sementara dorang berjihad melawan nafsu dorang tu, korang pulak make fun of them.. So you think that you're better than them? Think twice lah bro/sis.. Perhaps they might be better than you people out there who make fun of these 'special people' .. Dorang lawan perasaan dorang sehabis-habisan dan cuba untuk berubah, tapi korang hina dorang nih.. Korang ingat dorang tanak berubah n buang nafsu ni? Kau igt senang nak buang perasaan suka kat sama jantina tu? Ade yg dah cuba untuk suka perempuan, n they made it.. Tp even though dorg dah ade prasaan dkat prmpuan, dorg still takleh buang prasaan suka kat laki tu.. Dorang cuma boleh kawal nafsu dorg drpd buat benda yg tak sepatutnya dorg buat.. Kalau korg ingat senang nak buang certain nafsu tu, apa kata korang try buang nafsu korang sendiri dekat yang lawan jantina korang.. Kalau korang boleh, then baru aku acknowledge untuk korang hina these 'special people' .. Assalamualaikum

– Insan prihatin


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