Sugar daddy IV

Salam y'all.
I ambil masa lama sama ada nak confess atau tak bila ada orang yg tny tntg benda yg sgt tak appropriate dlm confession I yg lepas.
Ya, i tak suka dicabar dan I rasa trcabar bila ada orang yg tak tahu malu tny soalan yg tak patut di khalayak ramai.
Where is ur common sense? Im here right? I read all those comments. This man. Urghh. I confessed here just to share somthg that i thought may bring benefit to us.
So, please. Jangan pusing2. There's no need to ask unrelated questions. By the way, alhamdulillah, 2 days ago, i have this one sister added me as friends in fb as support me from what ive been done. I donno how she find me. But nevermind.
I know that iium is such a good place to live. So please make it so. Behave ourselves.

– FaiR


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